jueves, 27 de febrero de 2020

Computing class March st

Hello people! First of all, I am sorry for not being with you in the classroom. I am very sick. I miss you all! I hope to see you next Sunday.

Let's stop with sentimentalisms, we have to work, and that is what we are doing right now! Ready? If you say yes, let's do it. If you say no, well... I am sorry but do it anyways XD.

This is a warm up, HAVE FUN! This is to know some homophones in English.

The first is a typing activity. Select the options as you wish if you want in sentence, text, or words and so do with the time.

If that link did not work, use this other

In that link, the word is already given, you just have to start typing, that's it. This activity will take around 10 minutes.

Second link is about brands

Let's see how good you are with them! 10 minutes.

The next activity is about writing a personal mission and vision. Send it to this mail: skycent77@gmail.com  You have 25 minutes for it.

Next activity will also be sent to my email. In that link, you will create a text collage with values that you possess or that your company has. Take your time to do so.  20 minutes

Enter to this link, and select the correct preposition. Then, use the verb in parenthesis to make it ING form.
20 minutes

The following activity is to practice reading comprehension


To finish, have fun with this link:
